One of the central missions of the DAR is to be of service within our communities, and therefore our members take part in a number of volunteer service efforts throughout the year as part of the Service to America program. This initiative is designed to provide our members with an opportunity to experience the positive benefits of volunteering and to become more involved, engaged citizens within their communities. The DAR has set a goal of reaching 19 million hours of community service, and at the Ketewamoke Chapter NSDAR we have dedicated ourselves to our own community service work in support of this aim.

On October 11 of each year, as part of their commitment to honoring our nation and working together for love of country, the members of the DAR participate in the DAR Day of Service.
To learn more about this very special day and the service that our chapter has performed, please click here.

DAR Members Share Their Community Service Stories

DAR Good Citizens Award
Presented annually by the Ketewamoke Chapter NSDAR and the Long Island Chapter SAR at the Huntington Town Hall.
Ketewamoke Chapter NSDAR offers awards to those local students who by their personal acts and attitudes have proven themselves to be the most outstanding citizens in their classes. Some of the qualities we look for are dependability, truthfulness, leadership, cooperation, ability to assume responsibility, patriotism as demonstrated through service and an unselfish interest in family, school, community and nation as well as academic achievement.
Our DAR Good Citizens Award committee chairwoman contacts local schools and shares these qualities with the school personnel who then choose those students who best fit the qualifications. Those students are invited to our town hall ceremony and are awarded DAR certificates as well as certificates from the Town of Huntington. DAR medals are also awarded, but are given to these same students at their school award nights.
The town hall ceremony is picturesque and patriotic. It begins with the Color Guard presented by the Order of the Ancient and Honorable Huntington Militia followed by the United States National Anthem, the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, greetings from the Huntington Supervisor and words from the Huntington Town Historian.